Friday, September 19, 2008

I have an interview!

I just checked my email account that I have linked to job applications and I have an interview with the DNA company for next Friday! That's great news! Now I have to freshen up my interview lingo and put on the business face, and go put on a good show! Hopefully they'll like me and I'll get the job. It would be awesome to say I finally got the exact position I've been wanting since I was 21 years old! But I still have to keep my head on that says it could go either way, otherwise I'll be too disappointed if I don't get it. A lot is going on next week. Trying to get the house worked on, studying for the GRE, taking the GRE on Thursday and then an interview on Friday. Busy busy...and stressful! Oh, and I now have to go out and buy an interview outfit since the only clothes I currently have in my possession are shorts, jeans, t-shirts and tank tops. I don't think any of those would qualify as business apparel. Good thing that I'll be working in a lab so I'll only have to wear dress up clothes for the least, that is what I'm expecting. We'll see on Friday. Wish me luck! I'll definitely keep this thing updated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you; being a Forensic Scientist with a Bachelor's Degree; then, maybe they will assist with the cost of the Master's Degree. I know you will do great on your interview. I will be thinking about you everyday of the week because you have so many things going on! But, honey, you know as well as I do, that that is when we women do best...when we do so much we cannot believe it. Good luck...I love you and I am very excited for you in getting an cool is smart daughter who will impress them tremendously!

