Sunday, September 21, 2008

Greetings from Bardu Ave!

So we've semi-settled into our new home. At least, as much as you can settle without all your belongings. Hopefully we will set it up for them to come back to us in mid-October. This weekend has been hectic and exhausting running around from Home Depot to Sears back to Home Depot, etc. We've been mostly cleaning around the house but tonight we started painting the ceilings white. It takes a while to get the ceiling in one room completely painted, but it's so worth it. The house already is looking a little better. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day. I'm going to be trying to get to the DMV for my new license, yearly doctor's visit, going back to Home Depot (again!), calling a contractor, exterminator, window people and the place where I was going to take the GRE (I've decided to post pone taking it. There's just too much going on right now for me to concentrate on studying), hopefully waiting on my realtor to bring us a wall paper steamer and then waiting for the cable guy to come back to install some more lines around the house. And somewhere in there I'm going to continue working on the house. I'll be ready for my vacation to Tennessee and Michigan by the time it gets here in a little less than two weeks.

That's about all that is going on with me right now. Just a lot of house work. I'll try to remember to take some "before" pictures tomorrow before all the ceilings are completed. I keep forgetting but I think it's going to be a pretty dramatic difference once we are all done. Talk to you all soon!

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