Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday night MEALS!

I am proud of my concoction for dinner tonight. I have never had a pot pie before in my life but I found a recipe for a vegetarian pot pie on line. It was very lenient on ingredients so I decided to put broccoli, spinach, onions, peas, red bell pepper, potato, and garlic into this pot pie. I put it in a white sauce with milk, soy sauce, and some herbs and then covered it with a homemade pie shell. I think I could improve upon the taste of the pie shell (needed more salt) but the rest of the meal I found to be very impressive! I can't wait to make it again! I think it would be really good with carrots (I'm usually not a fan), fake chicken, and the rest of the stuff I already had in there. Even my omnivore husband really liked it. I think I may have to try this recipe out on my father again here in a few weeks. I'm SO glad to have my kitchen back!!!

I guess that's all for today. I just wanted to blog about my pot pie I am very impressed with. I'm sad that the Sarah Connor Chronicles was not on tonight. Instead was some stupid baseball game...what, the World Series or something?

1 comment:

Chris Lightner said...

at least you got your payback - that silly baseball game got rained out!!