Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sorry to disappoint

I know I said I would post more pictures tonight, but I'm just too tired. It's 11:45pm and I'm ready to go sleep sleep for the night. I didn't sleep well last night so I guess it's catching up with me. Usually I'm up until at least 12:30a, but not tonight. I will post more pictures soon though. We painted the spare pink and white bedroom today. Now all we have left is to paint the trim and rip up the carpet. The color is Peach Praline. It's probably the brightest of all the colors we've chosen, but the room also has 2 windows and is going to be my sewing room. I want it to be the "happy" room. I will take pictures of it once we get the trim painted.

I haven't heard anything back about the job yet. I guess that could be a positive thing. If I was someone they eliminated immediately, I would have a higher probability of being rejected by now I would think. But I really don't know anything about this so I'm just talking without any backing.

GOOD NIGHT. Let's hope Obama is a USA born citizen.


Anonymous said...

if Obama wasn't a citizen, don't you think that might have come up during the primary?? Do you really think the clintons overlooked that possibility?

Kristen said...

To answer the two questions: I hope so; I hope not.