Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just call me the pooper scooper

You ever wonder why the litter scoop for a litter box is called the pooper scooper? I mean, the scoop is just a tangible object used for the scooping of the poop. Wouldn't it be more accurate to call the person using the scoop the pooper scooper? I am my cats personal servant. I feed them and water them daily. I give them multiple massages that, if added up during the course of one day, would total several hours. I give them kisses, more kisses than I give my husband daily. And, most importantly, I clean up their poop. I AM THE POOPER SCOOPER.

I love my cats. I would do anything for them to make them more comfortable in their surroundings (minus the divorcing of my husband which would probably be their first request if they could speak human). But I HATE cleaning the litter box. Since moving into the hotel, I feel like my life has come down to eating, drinking, occasionally showering and scooping poop. Being in such tight quarters with 4 cats, it seems like all day long one of them is venturing into our bathroom (which just so happens to be their bathroom as well) and scratching away at that box. Then, soon afterwards, I either smell the lovely scent of cat pee (if you've ever been around felines, you know this smell is retched) or cat poop. They can't all go at the same time and make it one trip for me to scoop and flush. No. I must get up multiple times during the course of the day and clean up their box. But, I shouldn't complain. They bring me much more joy than annoyance, but I don't like being the pooper scooper.

I think we may try and invest in one of those boxes that attaches to your washer and dryer water source and scoops, dissolves, washes and dries your litter box as many times as you set it to daily. Then, the box will be the pooper scooper. And I will just be mom.


Chris Lightner said...

where do you buy one of those miraculous devices that do it all for you?!?

Kristen said...

You can find them online or in cat magazines. I also have seen them sold at PetSmart about 5 years ago, but not since. I read reviews on them, and everyone seems to think they work very well. It's called a Cat Genie.