Carrie, my sister-in-law just came into town last night. I'm sure we will have a good time this weekend going into DC and seeing some of the sights. Today, if the weather holds off (it's supposed to rain) we are going to go tour the Kennedy Center. We'll probably go get something to eat afterwards. Tomorrow, we are going to tour the Capitol. This will be my third time in 2 years, but I still don't mind going. It's a pretty neat place. I'm not sure what other sights will be on the list to go to, but those two are booked already. It's supposed to rain tomorrow too, so who knows if our plans will change or not due to weather.
Yesterday when feeding the feral kitties, one of the cats at my first stop (a beautiful black and white boy) had been hit by a car. It must have just happened as when I got to the body to move it off the road, it was still warm and soft and there wasn't any bugs around as of yet. He definitely died quickly as his body was pretty much scattered all over the road, so that was a little bit of peace for me. I definitely was broken up about that as of yesterday. He has this one buddy that he always hung out with. Her name is one kidney Kate since she had one dying kidney removed when she was spayed. Those two were always together and would bump heads when they got excited to see that food was there. They were always around whenever I would feed. Now, she'll be alone some of the time. I really feel bad. Stupid people that could avoid hitting an animal chose not to. For what reason, I don't have a clue. The road that they live by is travelled pretty often by truckers. It's a dead end street and it has a winding pattern, but there really is no reason that someone wouldn't be able to avoid an animal there. This loss of a life is truly inexcusable.
When I called the "owners" to tell them what had happened, I could tell they were really upset. The husband who has been caring for these cats for several years knew immediately who I was talking about and he mentioned poor little one kidney Kate being alone now. He was going to go pick the kitty up last night and then bury him. We are all mourning the loss of this beautiful boy.
Since then all I've been thinking about is little Amigo (the stray kitty that stayed with that feral colony that hurt his paw). It could have easily had been him that got hit and I would have been guilt ridden for life if that would have happened. Amigo is really sweet and not feral and doesn't deserve to be outside fending for himself. I'm so glad I got to him in time before some unnatural cause took his life too soon. He's slowly coming around. He's been playing with me when it's quiet in the house and Mike is at work. He also has been coming to eat with the other kitties. He does get scared if he hears a loud noise or sees a quick movement, but he's definitely a good cat. I'm pretty certain he's been using the litter box consistently as I haven't found any random poop or pee anywhere. He's just an all around special guy and I'm glad he's living here now.
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