Monday, February 2, 2009

So, it's been a long time

Sorry that my last post was so long ago. Since I haven't been using my own computer in quite some time now, I forget that I need to post on here. On my computer, I have an icon set up at the top of the screen that I can just push and come directly to the site. And since it's in plain view every time I get on my computer, I remember I should post. On Mike's computer, there is no icon and, therefore, no reminder. So, here I am a couple weeks after my last post.

I'm sure a lot has happened in the last couple weeks, but I will just mention the things that I can remember off the top of my head. Weekend before last, we went into D.C. and actually got to go into the Washington Monument. I would recommend this to anyone visiting the city and not afraid of heights because you can see all the important sights from above and it's beautiful. I took lots of pictures of the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Capitol and White House from above. I also got a picture of a plane taking off from Reagan National Airport which is remarkably close to the Washington Monument.

We then went to the Capitol and took a tour. A couple years ago we did this before we had moved to the city, but it was a good refresher to go again. And being that we went the weekend after the inauguration, a lot of the seats were still on the ground in front of where Obama spoke and everything was pretty much the same as the few days prior. So that was kind of cool to imagine all those people there when it was happening.

We then walked over to another area of Capitol Hill called Eastern Market where there was a farmers market/street fair going on. We found a little cafe to eat lunch which ended up being pretty good. Then we walked back over to the Air and Space Museum and went in there for a short time. It was getting close to closing for the night and Michael had a headache, so we didn't get to see hardly any of it, but I would definitely like to go back sometime to explore some more.

Fast forward to last week. On Monday night, it started snowing. By Tuesday, we had snow all around. By Wednesday, it was very icy on the roads and covering all the snow from the day prior. Michael didn't go into work that day for fear of running off the road before making it out of our neighborhood, but on Wednesday night, we went and picked up a 30 gallon fish tank that I found on Craigslist for $40. This included the filter, heater, light, gravel, decorations in the tank, food, water purifiers, net and 4 small fish and 2 larger fish. He didn't know what these fish were, so, after almost a week of research, I think we have a Banded Leporinus, a Feather Fin Catfish, 2 Glowlight tetras, a glo-fish (which is a zebra danio which has a mutant protein which makes it's body bright orange instead of the natural grey/brown color) and a male Cherry Barb. This past weekend we went and picked up 2 more fish from people giving them away and we added to the tank a Suckermouth Catfish (aka a common Plecostomus) and a Striped Raphael catfish. By the next morning after adding these last two fish, I have been unable to find the Striped Raphael catfish. I'm not sure if he's just hiding REALLY REALLY well, or if the other fish consumed him during the night. He was a fairly large fish, so for him to have been eaten would really surprise me, but he has definitely disappeared. Everyone else seems to be doing well though.

Tonight I'm going to pick up 2 Neon Tetras, a Silver Mollie and an algae eater from another guy. After that, I'm going to let them all get acquainted to their tank and then get them some friends. I need to get at least 2 more Glo-fish, 4 more Cherry Barbs, 2 more Glowlight Tetras, a few more Neon Tetras and some more Mollies. I've been researching their needs to grow healthiest, and these fish need to be in schools. In about a month I'm going to be adding some black Mollies to the tank and some Endler's Livebearers. And that will complete my tank until some start dying. I've had fun with the tank so far and have enjoyed watching them all fight over hiding spots. I need to invest in a few more rocks for my bottom dwellers to stay in during the day and I'm also going to be getting some more real plants for the schooling fish to rest in. And all of this so far for $40! I think I did pretty well.

Tomorrow I have an interview with a contract company that is hiring for another company for a Lead Microbiologist position. I'm a little nervous about the interview, but since I'm much more educated on microbiology and have almost 3 years in the industry, so I hope to have a more positive outcome of this interview versus the last one. I don't really have much experience in a "Lead" role, but I do always take control of the situations, so I'm going to play up my natural leadership abilities and how I used to schedule projects and divided them up throughout my group without anyone telling me that I needed to do this. Although we didn't have a "supervisor or manager" per say, I was one who did take on a lot of those types of responsibilities. Hopefully this will be enough to put me up at the top of candidates. The contract for this job is only for 6 months, but they have the option to hire me on permanently after that. The job pays about $50K/year which is a little less than I wanted to accept out here, but with the way things are currently looking, that salary looks pretty good to me. Wish me luck and we'll see how it goes.

Here is a picture of Michael "sledding" in our backyard. If you can't tell, the "sled" is a piece of cardboard from some left over moving boxes! I have a video of this "sledding" experience, that is pretty funny as well, but it doesn't want to upload. You can just use your imagination as to what it looked like.

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