So, of course we've been working on the house the last couple days. The computer room is now primered and ready to be painted. It took a day to spackle and then a day to sand and primer. Then Mike's parents came into town and brought a lot of antique furniture with them. Of course, we aren't quite ready for all of it to go into their places yet, but everything is in the basement. Mike's parents were a HUGE help on Sunday. We ripped up all the upstairs carpet and removed all the staples and tack stripes from the hardwoods underneath. Then we cleaned the hardwood floors with a floor cleaner. Afterwards, we brought a TV stand and a china cabinet upstairs, close to their prospective places, once we've finished everything. We could have NEVER gotten so much done in one day without their help. IF YOU READ THIS BLOG BECKY OR MARC, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This place looks totally different now. With no blue carpet everywhere and with the light colored hardwood floors taking it's place, we are starting to feel more at home. I can't wait to see what another month will bring. We've come so far in this first month!
On the down side, my allergies are EXTREMELY bad right now. I'm wheezing every time I inhale and my nose is running so much that I have Kleenex stuffed up in each nostril. And this is after taking a Claritin-D last night and tonight. I'm hoping now that the carpet is up, that the dust is either mostly gone, or will settle and I can start breathing normally again without the use of medicine. I can't stand being so miserable in my own house. But I am excited for the way it looks now. Hopefully I will feel better in a couple days.
I'll take some more recent photos soon and post them so you can see the progression. It is quite amazing. And once I have final pictures, it will be even more dramatic! I can't wait!
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